who we are
Whether you are young or old, starting college or entering retirement, recently married or getting divorced, new to the church or all out of faith — SouthPointe is a diverse community where it's OK to not be OK.
It doesn’t matter where you're from or where you’re going. Jesus is the hope we all need — loving us in our mess and alongside us through our mess. SouthPointe is a place where everyone’s welcome, nobody’s perfect, and anything’s possible.
We exist so everyone can experience God's transformational love. We believe you matter to God, and that SouthPointe would be better if you were part of it.
We believe in meeting people where they are — offering something for everyone and connecting them with an active community that’s engaged with their faith and each other. SouthPointe offers online and in-person Sunday services, kids programming on Sundays (birth - 8th grade), mid-week meetings for high schoolers, small groups for adults and families, and Celebrate Recovery for those struggling with hurts and addiction. New here? Awesome. We’ve got you covered there too.
meet our staff
City: Coventry
Why SouthPointe? When we found SouthPointe, we were looking for a less traditional church with Biblical teaching where we could bring young people who were searching... a place where they could meet Jesus and learn how to follow Him.
Hobbies: Hiking, skiing, reading, and sewing.
Fun Fact: Love to stack firewood and clear hiking trails with my hubby.
Contact Heather to learn more about SouthPointe, Groups, or the Jesus we believe in!
LEE ELLIS, OPERATIONS Administrator | Lee@SouthPointeRI.com
City: East Greenwich
Why SouthPointe? We were looking for a home church with community and good, sound Biblical teaching, SouthPointe launched with perfect timing. We felt the authenticity and welcome as soon as we walked in the door. These people have become our family over the last 8 years.
Hobbies: Working out, playing cribbage with my hubby, and New England Patriots football.
Fun Fact: I was an Army, jump-qualified nurse stationed in South Korea where I met and married my hubby.
Contact Lee to learn more about SouthPointe or the Jesus we believe in!
jamie lankford, Lead pastor | Jamie@SouthPointeRI.com
City: Warwick
Why SouthPointe? We relocated our family to join what God is doing through SouthPointe. We never imagined how quickly Rhode Island would become home, and SouthPointe has become our family. We love being a part of something bigger than ourselves and seeing God work in the community we love so much.
Hobbies: Sports - especially baseball, doing work in my home and yard, and hanging with friends.
Fun Fact: If I retire, I want to be a tour guide at Fenway.
Contact Jamie if you’d like to learn more about SouthPointe or the Jesus we believe in!
WENDY LANKFORD, Children’s Director | WENDY@SouthPointeRI.com
City: Warwick
Why SouthPointe? After homeschooling our 4 children and our youngest leaving for college, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my time. God opened the door for the Children's Director position, and it was perfect timing. After being at SouthPointe for about 8-1/2 years, I’m pleased to be able to serve in this way.
Hobbies: Reading, crocheting, and coffee with friends.
Fun Fact: I’ve played the piano since first grade. I even played in a piano ensemble.
Contact Wendy if you’d like to learn more about SouthPointe, Kids Programming, or the Jesus we believe in!
GAREN LOTT, Facilities and Technology Guy | garen@SouthPointeRI.com
City: Richmond
Why SouthPointe? Because SouthPointe exists so everyone can experience God’s unconditional love.
Hobbies: Winning the lottery, curing cancer, and driving in ”insane” mode. Wait... these are dreams, not hobbies. Do you know of a Tesla I can borrow?
Fun Fact: The Model S P85D, accelerates from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 3.2 seconds in "Insane Mode" with 1g of acceleration.
Contact Garen to learn more about SouthPointe, the Jesus we believe in, or if the bathroom’s out of toilet paper.
allie palmisano, ANCHOR STUDENTS PASTOR | allie@SouthPointeRI.com
City: Cranston
Why SouthPointe? It's home. It's a place where imperfect people do life together while living out the mission for everyone to experience the unconditional love of God.
Hobbies: Cooking, going to NE Revs games, hanging out with friends/family, drinking coffee, and going to concerts.
Fun Fact: As hard as I try, I cannot wink.
Contact Allie to learn more about SouthPointe, Student Programming, or the Jesus we believe in!
City: Warwick
Why SouthPointe? I am not perfect, not even close, but I love Jesus and want to live like Him. I needed people around me who felt the same way. SouthPointe has those people. I needed a place where I could bring all my junk in with me and be loved unconditionally. SouthPointe is that place.
Hobbies: Playing music, watching sports and superhero movies, reading books with my kids, going on dates with my wife, and eating pizza.
Fun Fact: I swam in the Arctic Ocean when I was in the Navy!
Contact Dustin to learn more about SouthPointe, Worship Team, or the Jesus we believe in!
Drop us a line. Someone will get back to you within 24 hours (Sunday - Thursday).